Posts tagged with "Git" - Page 2

Git and GitHub Training

May 28, 2013

Today I had the pleasure to attend “Git and GitHub Training” held by Tim Berglund one of the GitHubber, so called because he is working at Github.

In the past I enjoyed very much the video Tim and Matthew McCullough, another GitHubber, did for O’Reilly

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Git Diff Margin, display Git Diff on the margin of the current file in Visual Studio 2012

May 4, 2013

I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.

Git Diff Margin

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TeamCity and GitLab working together with SSH Keys

Aug 24, 2012

On February I posted about “Running your TeamCity builds from PowerShell for any Git branch” and now I have to configure a new ssh key so that TeamCity can connect to Gitlab.

I struggled a bit getting continuous error message from TeamCity that the connection failed because it was enable to load identity file. File rights were all ok on the key file and everything looked fine. But still the error message.

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