Git Diff Margin, display Git Diff on the margin of the current file in Visual Studio 2012
I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.
I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.
There are some times in which you need to come to some extreme solutions. Having two days of trials without success to have a portlet running in a local Tomcat with Day portal I came to the following solution.
Shortly why I came to such a solution? I needed to work on some CSS on a portal solution, and the development cycle was taking too long. I had to commit to svn, run a teamcity build which deployed a war to weblogic to finally be able to test my CSS changes. Far too long.
If you are a user of the fantastic DropBox tool you might know that you have to organize your folders under a top root folder. This was really an issue for me which I wanted to solve because I like to organize my files in a different manner.
I used the mklink command from a Windows Command
In September 2009 I posted about a tool I am using to build my MSBuild projects from the shell “Build your .NET project with a right click in Windows Explorer”
Last week I changed to MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad) which also add a context menu when you right click your project or solution files.