Posts tagged with "Tools"

Git Diff Margin, display Git Diff on the margin of the current file in Visual Studio 2012

May 4, 2013

I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.

Git Diff Margin

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Mounting a remote Linux folder as a Windows drive through SSH

Nov 27, 2010

There are some times in which you need to come to some extreme solutions. Having two days of trials without success to have a portlet running in a local Tomcat with Day portal I came to the following solution.

Shortly why I came to such a solution? I needed to work on some CSS on a portal solution, and the development cycle was taking too long. I had to commit to svn, run a teamcity build which deployed a war to weblogic to finally be able to test my CSS changes. Far too long.

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Using windows 7 symbolic link to organize your DropBox

Sep 28, 2010

If you are a user of the fantastic DropBox tool you might know that you have to organize your folders under a top root folder. This was really an issue for me which I wanted to solve because I like to organize my files in a different manner.

I used the mklink command from a Windows Command

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Build .NET projects from Windows Explorer using MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad)

In September 2009 I posted about a tool I am using to build my MSBuild projects from the shell “Build your .NET project with a right click in Windows Explorer

Last week I changed to MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad) which also add a context menu when you right click your project or solution files.

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