Posts tagged with "Tools" - Page 2

f.lux Better lighting…for your computer

May 21, 2010

A couple of month ago I was introduced by a colleague to f.lux.

At first I thought, hum ok another software that will just eat some memory for nothing. But after 2 days, in fact 2 evening, yeah I work a lot in front of monitors, I was conquered and I recommend this tool to all like me that spend their days and nights in front of monitors!

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Memory leak with WPF resources

Apr 17, 2009

I am working for a couple of months now with WPF and MVVM on an a business application using .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. Lately I faced a memory leak. Not the easy kind of memory leak with events handlers which keeps objects and its element tree alive, as explained here.

No it was something else ! I searched in our code for quite some time without finding anything.

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ReSharper 4.5 released

As you might have realized following my blog, I am big fan of JetBrains ReSharper for quite some years! This tool really boost my productivity. Today they just realized ReSharper 4.5 which brings some new functionalities but also a huge improvement in performance.

What's New in ReSharper 4.5

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ReSharper 4.0 with C# 3.0 support, JetBrains releases the ultimate Visual Studio plugin

Jun 13, 2008

JetBrains has released their ultimate Visual Studio plugin, ReSharper 4.0.

This much-anticipated productivity tool includes many new features and improvements.

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