Posts tagged with "WPF"

Unit testing Async WPF ICommand

Feb 10, 2022

In the past, within my team at Innoveo, we had several discussions about the best way to unit test async WPF ICommand. We value quality, so testing is essential to us. We decided to make the methods called by the command internal so that our tests could call those.

What is the problem with unit testing an Async WPF ICommand? The problem is that the command is an async void method! So, you have no way to await the end of the execution of your command. So, your test might assert on things that are still executing.

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WPF and .NET Generic Host with .NET Core 3.0

Sep 3, 2019

I like very much the idea of a .NET Generic Host in the MSDN documentation:

An object that encapsulates an app's resources, such as:

  • Dependency injection (DI)
  • Logging
  • Configuration
  • IHostedService implementations

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WPF and IOC on .NET Core 3.0

Apr 18, 2019

At work, we are planning to migrate our WPF application from .NET Framework 4.7 to .NET Core 3.0. The main reason for doing so is that it was always a big pain to organize the updates of the .NET Framework on our customer machines. So being able to bundle .NET Core with our application is a big plus for us. Then, for sure, we are looking for the performance improvements brought by .NET Core and finally the new capabilities brought by the fast pace of innovation of .NET Core.

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Shortening namespace declarations in XAML files

Dec 15, 2011

This afternoon I was working on Innoveo Skye Editor which is a WPF application written in C#.

The application is using Telerik RadControls for WPF.

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