Posts tagged with "Git"

Automate developer work using Git Aliases

Feb 28, 2020

I am using Git for many, many years. I am a big fan of it. How could that be different when you had to use versioning systems like CVS, SVN... I even took influence so that the whole company I work for migrates to it.

Over the years, I have used different Git clients, tried to work only from my IDE without much liking it.

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Ease Github Pull Request code review

Apr 18, 2016

Even if online Github Pull Request is a nice and effective tool, in some situation you need to open your solution in Visual Studio to verify something.

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TeamCity 9 project settings versioning in Git

Dec 13, 2014

One of the great new feature of TeamCity 9 is the possibility of Storing project settings in Git and Mercurial.

When you develop software it is primordial to be able to reproduce successfully builds. To achieve that goal you need for sure first to version the source code. But too often the build scripts are forgotten! Especially when the build scripts are created with such a great tool that is TeamCity.

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Optimizing release build process using JetBrains TeamCity and Atlassian Stash

Oct 17, 2013

Automating and optimizing the processes I use everyday to work is something important so that I get more productive and spend less time in things that a computer is better at.

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