Posts tagged with "GitHub"

Publish .NET Docker images using .NET SDK and GitHub Actions

My previous blog posts talks about built-in container support in the .NET SDK. It allows you to create and publish Docker images for your .NET applications without writing any Dockerfile. I also showed how to use the Chiseled Ubuntu base images optimized for .NET and containers. We saw how to publish your Docker images using the .NET SDK to GitHub Packages / Container Registry.

Today, I want to show you how to publish your Docker images using the .NET SDK to GitHub Container Registry using GitHub Actions. It brings us to the next level of automation.

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Simplify your .NET Docker image publishing workflow with the .NET SDK

Oct 24, 2023

In my previous blog posts, I wrote about the built-in container support in the .NET 7 SDK that allows you to create and publish Docker images for your .NET applications without writing any Dockerfile. I also showed how to use the Chiseled Ubuntu base images optimized for .NET and containers.

For this blog post, I will explain how to publish your Docker images using the .NET SDK to GitHub Packages / Container Registry. It is possible to publish to different container registries, such as Docker Hub, GitHub, Azure Container Registry, or your own private registry. I will show you how to publish to GitHub Packages / Container Registry, but the process is similar for other registries.

This blog post will help you learn how to leverage the .NET SDK's built-in container support to effortlessly distribute and run your .NET applications in the cloud using Docker. Stay tuned!

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Azure DevOps for Visual Studio Extensions

As you might have guessed reading some of my older posts, I like to automate things which I believe a computer should do in place of humans.

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Ease Github Pull Request code review

Apr 18, 2016

Even if online Github Pull Request is a nice and effective tool, in some situation you need to open your solution in Visual Studio to verify something.

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