Posts tagged with "TeamCity"

TeamCity 9 project settings versioning in Git

Dec 13, 2014

One of the great new feature of TeamCity 9 is the possibility of Storing project settings in Git and Mercurial.

When you develop software it is primordial to be able to reproduce successfully builds. To achieve that goal you need for sure first to version the source code. But too often the build scripts are forgotten! Especially when the build scripts are created with such a great tool that is TeamCity.

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Using TeamCity integrated dotCover coverage files with NDepend

For a long time I wanted to integrated NDepend on our build server so that this week I invested some time here and there to achieve that goal. I did that already a long time ago, I even wrote the documentation which you can read on NDepend website.

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Optimizing release build process using JetBrains TeamCity and Atlassian Stash

Oct 17, 2013

Automating and optimizing the processes I use everyday to work is something important so that I get more productive and spend less time in things that a computer is better at.

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TeamCity and GitLab working together with SSH Keys

Aug 24, 2012

On February I posted about “Running your TeamCity builds from PowerShell for any Git branch” and now I have to configure a new ssh key so that TeamCity can connect to Gitlab.

I struggled a bit getting continuous error message from TeamCity that the connection failed because it was enable to load identity file. File rights were all ok on the key file and everything looked fine. But still the error message.

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