Git and GitHub Training

May 28, 2013

Today I had the pleasure to attend “Git and GitHub Training” held by Tim Berglund one of the GitHubber, so called because he is working at Github.

In the past I enjoyed very much the video Tim and Matthew McCullough, another GitHubber, did for O’Reilly

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Git Diff Margin, display Git Diff on the margin of the current file in Visual Studio 2012

May 4, 2013

I am happy to announce that I finally released today my first Visual Studio 2012 extension called Git Diff Margin.

Git Diff Margin

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Optimizing Skye Editor using JetBrains dotTrace

This post is a transcript of an internal post I did on Innoveo Solutions internal blog. Thanks to Innoveo to let me share this here!

Skye Editor is our metal model editor which is written in C# 4, WPF uses Model-View-ViewModel design pattern and MVVM Light.

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Using Thread.Sleep() in Unit Test! A good idea?

Nov 20, 2012

In my humble opinion it is definitely not a good idea! Why?

  1. It is brittle test because it depends to the CPU load of the machine running the test. Maybe it runs fine on your development machine, and will for sure from time to time fail on your build server because of the load on the server.

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