Posts tagged with "IntelliJ"

Functional Programming Principles in Scala using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA

This week I started the Coursera course Functional Programming Principles in Scala with Martin Odersky as instructor.

One of my first step was to have JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA working with the Scala programming language so that I can work on the course assignments using my preferred IDE.

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Power of IntelliJ in video

Today I was listening and some time watching (it helps to have two monitors :) the following video that I got from JetBrains blog post, Vaclav Pech Talking at JAX 2010

I learned several tips and I think this video shows why I like more and more IntelliJ.

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IntelliJ 9 and changeset

Day after day I find little gems in IntelliJ 9 that just make me more productive and give me more time to deal with the real interesting things.

Today for example I had to change a web.xml file which I was said that I should take care not to commit because if this file would go to our customer than we would have a problem.

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