Using TeamCity integrated dotCover coverage files with NDepend

For a long time I wanted to integrated NDepend on our build server so that this week I invested some time here and there to achieve that goal. I did that already a long time ago, I even wrote the documentation which you can read on NDepend website.

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Optimizing release build process using JetBrains TeamCity and Atlassian Stash

Oct 17, 2013

Automating and optimizing the processes I use everyday to work is something important so that I get more productive and spend less time in things that a computer is better at.

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Functional Programming Principles in Scala using JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA

This week I started the Coursera course Functional Programming Principles in Scala with Martin Odersky as instructor.

One of my first step was to have JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA working with the Scala programming language so that I can work on the course assignments using my preferred IDE.

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Uninstalling a program which doesn't want to on Windows 8.1

Sep 19, 2013

I updated to Windows 8.1 RTM a week ago and since that time I had the issue that AMD Radeon™ RAMDisk was not running but even worse I could not uninstall it because the uninstaller was saying that it was the wrong version of the operating system!
I was using it on Windows 8, it was working great on it but after the update it wasn’t anymore.

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