ReSharper 4 EAP started tonight
You might get access to the early bits on the following page.
Read more about it on the ReSharper 4.0 EAP Notes page:
You might get access to the early bits on the following page.
Read more about it on the ReSharper 4.0 EAP Notes page:
Beginning of this week; during the Tech Days 2008 in Paris, I had the great pleasure to discuss with Aurelien Verla and Grégory Renard about Tech Head Brothers authoring and publishing tool.
I read on MSDN Forums that it is not possible to use other configuration than Release and Debug. This is wrong.
I am using it for Tech Head Brothers Portal, what you have to take care of is how you set your configuration. On the following picture you see how I defined a new Staging configuration and set the Web Deployment Project WebApplication.csproj_deploy to build using this configuration.
My old build script wasn't working after the migration to this new version and you will find in this post the different adaptation that I had to do.
Add missing ToolsVersion as following: