Posts tagged with "Office 2007"

Office 2007 templates folder

I am always loosing time searching for that information when we get an update of office templates, so I decided to make a ‘note to self’ so that I will not loose anymore time with that.

Start Word 2007 and go on Word Options, then click Advanced, File Locations:

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[PDC 2008] – Show off selection

Finally my video didn’t make it for the ShowOff contest at the PDC 2008. Here is the answer I’ve got:

I wanted to thank you again for your ShowOff entry. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming response to ShowOff, we had to make some hard decisions about which entries we would be able to show during the event. We really liked your video, but unfortunately it didn't make it into our final cut this year.

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Video of Tech Head Brothers new authoring tool based on Word 2007

In the following video I present the different features of the new authoring tool for my portal Tech Head Brothers.

First you will see the use of ClickOnce to enable easy installation on the author computer. This will also allow an easy update scenario. A great plus compared to the past.

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New step in my authoring tool using Word 2007

This evening I took the time to implement a new step on the new version of Tech Head Brothers authoring tool.

Now I am able to write an article in Word 2007 and post it using Web Services.

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