Posts tagged with "Tech Head Brothers"

Build and Deployment automation, VCS Root and Labeling in TeamCity

As you might now from reading my blog I tend to automate as much as I can.

Why? Because I hate to do repetitive tasks. First because it is boring, at least for me, and as a developer we have more interesting things to do. Second because executing repetitive tasks tend to be error prone.

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Tech Head Brothers in St.Barth French West Indies

Feb 25, 2009

Thanks to Didier, now Tech Head Brothers, my french .NET portal is also known in the French West Indies island of St.Barth.

TechHeadBrothers and Innoveo are now well represented in Saint Barth ;-)

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[PDC 2008] – Show off selection

Finally my video didn’t make it for the ShowOff contest at the PDC 2008. Here is the answer I’ve got:

I wanted to thank you again for your ShowOff entry. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming response to ShowOff, we had to make some hard decisions about which entries we would be able to show during the event. We really liked your video, but unfortunately it didn't make it into our final cut this year.

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Video of Tech Head Brothers new authoring tool based on Word 2007

In the following video I present the different features of the new authoring tool for my portal Tech Head Brothers.

First you will see the use of ClickOnce to enable easy installation on the author computer. This will also allow an easy update scenario. A great plus compared to the past.

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