Jobping announcing StickyBeak
As said when we launched Jobping Open Source Short Urls Service, we at Jobping are committed to open source.
So last week we announced StickyBeak, you might read more on the blog of Mark - Introduction to StickyBeak
As said when we launched Jobping Open Source Short Urls Service, we at Jobping are committed to open source.
So last week we announced StickyBeak, you might read more on the blog of Mark - Introduction to StickyBeak
I read on MSDN Forums that it is not possible to use other configuration than Release and Debug. This is wrong.
I am using it for Tech Head Brothers Portal, what you have to take care of is how you set your configuration. On the following picture you see how I defined a new Staging configuration and set the Web Deployment Project WebApplication.csproj_deploy to build using this configuration.
My old build script wasn't working after the migration to this new version and you will find in this post the different adaptation that I had to do.
Add missing ToolsVersion as following: