Posts tagged with "ASP.NET" - Page 7

BlogThisUsingWriterPlugin - Omea weblog posting extension for Windows Live Writer

Aug 16, 2006

I started to code a plugin that will implement the famous IBlogExtension for Omea Reader and Pro to target Windows Live Writer.

It will let you select one feed in Omea, right click on it and choose BlogThis, and it will fire up Windows Live Writer with the content of the original post.

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Windows Live Writer Beta 1

Aug 14, 2006

Microsoft just released a beta version of a new tool called Windows Live Writer Beta 1.

Windows Live Wrtier

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Making VSTO 2005 and WSE 3.0 playing together again

Today I am working on the security of my publishing web services for the next release of Tech Head Brothers Portal. The goal is to be able to post content on the portal using THBAuhtoring (you might get the source from Codeplex) a Word 2003 solution I developed. I wanted to build my proxy class like so:

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Fix of Flicker Fix

If you read my post about Flicker Fix that was included and removed from the first distribution of <u><font color="#006ff7">CSS friendly control adapters beta</font></u> you might have heard that it created a security hole.

Having a handler or other reading a file that you might specify the path in a parameter is a really <strong>really</strong> bad idea. It lets for example read possibility to your web.config file to anybody just browsing your site. If your connection string to the db is in clear then... too bad.

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