Posts tagged with "Tools" - Page 24

Resharper Build 84 secret feature

Jun 8, 2004

On the JetBrain's Resharper changes page it is written:

Build 84

  • Documentation summary is shown in completion list and in Parameter Info (<b class="strong">Ctrl+P</b>)
  • Code completion for symbol references in doc-comments
  • Option to switch between VS icons and own ReSharper icons for symbols
  • Code style options for modifier keywords order and use of explicit private/internal modifier (and Reformat Code can reorder modifiers)
  • A secret feature, many of you will see it in the next few days :-)

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I solved my issue concerning the Addin registration in Visual Studio .NET 2003

Jun 6, 2004

I had a problem to register new addins in Visual Studio .NET 2003 that I exposed there : Refactoring my publishing tool. When I was starting Visual Studio .NET 2003 I got this dialog:

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SendTo FTP to publish pictures on my blog

Jun 5, 2004

As you know if you read my blog I am using Sauce Reader from Synop to publish on my blog. It is a great tool, even if it needs some more work. They are really active in development and fixing issues that users are reporting. One thing I was missing on the publishing part was a way to simply add a picture to my blog. I had to start SmartFTP (btw a nice tool also) just to upload several pictures.

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Extended Visual Studio Whidbey class view with method editing

May 24, 2004

As I described in my last post I would like to have the possibility to edit only one method in the source code viewer and get to the code by browsing my class hierarchy through two windows exposing classes then methods, attributes...

Now I know why it was a problem from the guys at Microsoft to provide that feature:<br/>Code view is cut from Whidbey HTML Editor

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