Posts tagged with "Tools" - Page 26


Apr 19, 2004

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I continued the evaluation and was a bit disappointed about the import function. I had quite a lot of feed in SharpReader and the import function did not imported them the way I thought, I mean ordered like it was before. <span style="FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings">L</span>

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Trying out Newsgator and .Text Publishing plugin

Apr 16, 2004

This is a post I directly made from Newsgator using .Text Publishing plugin. I just started a search for the ultimate blog tool. I will need some time to evaluate this one, but I like the idea of having it in Outlook. Stay tuned…

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Apr 7, 2004

Great!!! It is available, now I just need that soemone offers me a Pocket PC with Wifi. Thats really an amazing software that I use in my daily business. It works like a charm on pc, I will have to test it with one the geeks that a running around at the MVP Summit.

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Groove 3.0 Beta

Mar 17, 2004

Today I installed a virtual machine with Windows XP to be able to evaluate Groove 3.0 Beta. I am really convinced about the future of this tool and even it integration in the next operating system, at least the ideas behind. It will sign the end of the shares has we know them for today, and for sure more than that. Groove team made a huge effort on the interface I have to say and the gui is user friendly now. The speed even for a beta running on a virtual machine seems also to be far better. Still working with COM or do they switch to .NET?

There is already a good review from Stowe Boyd

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