Posts tagged with "Tools" - Page 25

ReSharper by Jetbrains

May 24, 2004

I finally managed to have my Addins in Visual Studio .NET 2003 working again, with reinstallation of it and then running a repair.

Then I installed ReSharper 0.81; I am part of the Early Access Program, and worked with it for a couple of hours. There is much more features then the older version I tried, and for the moment I am happy with it. It brings lots of added value that will be present in Whidbey in Visual Studio .NET 2003.

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Sauce Reader 1.4.1 configuration to post on .Text blogs

May 22, 2004

After my last post about Sauce Reader I was asked by Gavin Joyce how to configure it to post on .Text blog. So from the menu <strong>Tools</strong> click on <strong>Weblog Accounts</strong>, a dialog popup, click on the button <strong>Add</strong> then fill in like on the following picture picture. Change RPC Path with your path and for sure username and password with yours. Thats it :-)!

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Sauce Reader 1.4.1 - The ultimate blog reader and writer

May 22, 2004

I have almost tested all blog aggregators running under Windows that I could find on the Internet. The one I was most convinced was SharpReader but this has changed!!! Now I use Sauce Reader 1.4.1 and I have to say that I am fully convinced about it. The plus is that now it is able to post on .Text from Scott Watermasysk. This message was written using Sauce Reader. What a like most:

  • The Graphical User Interface (GUI)

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Blogging Tools

May 12, 2004

I have tried several tools to read blogs and to publish on mine, I wanted to have one that combines all.

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