SendTo FTP to publish pictures on my blog
As you know if you read my blog I am using Sauce Reader from Synop to publish on my blog. It is a great tool, even if it needs some more work. They are really active in development and fixing issues that users are reporting. One thing I was missing on the publishing part was a way to simply add a picture to my blog. I had to start SmartFTP (btw a nice tool also) just to upload several pictures. Searching an alternative on the Internet I found SendTo FTP by Peili Chen : “SendTo FTP is an easy-to-use file transfer program for sending files from your local PC to a remote host, very handy and time saving for web page publishing and updating. It will make your file uploading one click away.“ Now it is really easy to post pictures, and I can wait a bit more that the guys of Synop include this feature directly in their tool. And one other point it is Free!!! Thanks Peili. |