Continue readingI set out to change that. Companies would no longer be able to select me from a generic lineup of candidates. Instead, I would select companies. Companies that I respected, companies that shared my passion for software. Armed with thirty years of hindsight, I would no longer let random, chance opportunities determine my career path. I will choose where I want to work.
If you love software as much as I do, you deserve to work at a company where people come to work not to punch a clock, but because they love software, too. You deserve to work at a company where software engineering is respected. You deserve to work at a company where peers meet to enjoy building software together.*
Today it was my last day at ecenter solutions (spin off of Helvetia, Swiss insurance).
My role there was as following:
Continue reading Yeah next Monday I will start in a new formed company called innoveo solutions.
Has Didier said on his post “INNOVEO: New working contracts signed“ I signed on the 11th September 2007 to join on 1st of October 2007. I see you coming concerning the date, as Jon, but no, I am not superstitious.
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