Posts tagged with "innoveo solutions" - Page 6

Launch of innoveo solutions blog

Dec 11, 2007

A few seconds ago Didier and I just launched innoveo solutions blog.

If you ask yourself what is innoveo solutions, it is my new company and you might read more about it here:

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Early wakes up to get at Le Web 3 '07 in Paris

I arrived this morning really early at the conference Le Web 3 '07 with Didier.

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Linked files in Visual Studio projects


Following my post "Visual Studio and PowerShell Trick" I had another little issue, I have one mapping file, mapping.xml, that I want to use on my website and with my data access layer unit tests project.

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Visual Studio and PowerShell Trick

This end of afternoon I worked on the mapping part of my new project for innoveo solutions, a blog engine.

Till now I was using the XML Persistence Engine of Euss but it was time to go to a real mapping and a database.

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