Posts tagged with "Team City"

Building ClickOnce with TeamCity

Migrating our TeamCity server today I got the following error on the new server:

error MSB3147: Could not find required file 'setup.bin' in …

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MSBuild and Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 SDK running in Team City

First you need to un-install the Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 SDK from the build server! Then you can download the Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008 and extract it on the server, there you will find the file silverlight_sdk.msi, that will allow you to install Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 SDK.

Now if you followed my post MSBuild and Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 running in Team City, then you know about the issue:

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Run NCover through MSBuild in Team City

After one comment of Chris Walquist on one of my last post about Team City integration of NCover here is the way I run NCover through MSBuild in Team City.

First I need to import the Task of NCover.

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Using NDepend in Team City build management tool

In my effort to bring a good development environment for the next version of Tech Head Brothers portal, in which we should be (at the moment) three to develop, I went on with the integration of NDepend, the wonderful tool of Patrick Smacchia, with the just as well JetBrains Team City build management server.

As said in my last post I have defined three builds type

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