Trip in the Atlas - Part 1
After a smooth integration of Atlas in the new version of Tech Head Brothers website, I decided to go a step further with a project a bit more complex then the scenario developed here.
After a smooth integration of Atlas in the new version of Tech Head Brothers website, I decided to go a step further with a project a bit more complex then the scenario developed here.
If you read my post about Flicker Fix that was included and removed from the first distribution of <u><font color="#006ff7">CSS friendly control adapters beta</font></u> you might have heard that it created a security hole.
Having a handler or other reading a file that you might specify the path in a parameter is a really <strong>really</strong> bad idea. It lets for example read possibility to your web.config file to anybody just browsing your site. If your connection string to the db is in clear then... too bad.
The application is written as a n-tier web application and modeled with domain objects.
It uses those differents technologies:
This morning I was able to integrate Atlas in the new release under development of Tech Head Brothers. In less than a hour I had an UpdatePanel in the page that describes the differents authors of the site. Now when you click on the picture of an author the biography is shown without the full post back. And it is really really easy. I am also adding a tab to show all publication of the auhtor.
Congratulations to the Atlas Team!!! Great work.