Posts tagged with "ASP.NET 2.0" - Page 7


One of the first development rule is to write human readable code. Why ? To avoid to have to write comments ;-) Because it will be read as a spoken language and it separate important code from distracting one.

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Conversion from Visual Studio .Net 2003 to Visual Studio 2005

This evening (hum morning ;) I decided to give a try to the conversion wizard integrated in Visual Studio 2005 that let you import older 1.1 projects.
I chose to import my whole website: Tech Head Brothers. You might see next the conversion report:

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New ASP.NET 2 cool feature : aspx debugging

While trying out the new features of the latest Visual Studio 2005 I came across a really cool one, debugging in the aspx :

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Not such a sad day :-)

Oct 14, 2004

I knew I read it somewhere !!! Latest release of Whidbey permits to hide the components on the designer. Use the <strong>View</strong> menu <strong>Non Visual Controls</strong>, shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

A sad day for component developers

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