Posts tagged with "ASP.NET 2.0" - Page 8

Webpart portal personalization

Aug 4, 2004

In some portal scenarios you might want to have only webmaster(s) manage the layout of the site. So your goal is to avoid that a registered user change it. With Webparts you might build portal that match this scenario like this: Add to you web.config:

                <allow roles="webmasters" verbs="enterSharedScope"/>

This configuration set that only users with the role webmaster might change the layout.

Then you might place a WebPartPageMenu control on your site. This control is listing all the personalisation to the webpart system you might do as a logged in user. In the case of a user in the role of webmasters, the WebPartPageMenu will have one of it entries set to: Show Share view. You can select this entry and then Design Page Layout to be able to design the layout of the page for the user the anonymous users.

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