Extending existing .NET API to support asynchronous operations

Jan 5, 2012

The other day I needed a way in a project I am working on to turn a .NET API, RestSharp to name it, so that I could use it in an asynchronous way.

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Shortening namespace declarations in XAML files

Dec 15, 2011

This afternoon I was working on Innoveo Skye Editor which is a WPF application written in C#.

The application is using Telerik RadControls for WPF.

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Dec 7, 2011

Joining Didier direction LeWeb’11 for the second time we are attending the biggest European Internet conference in Paris.

The topic this year is SOLOMO, Social-Local-Mobile.

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Fixing ReSharper inspection Results used from XAML

Finishing this week sprint I decided to inspect some code using ReSharper 6.1 EAP and I started to give ReSharper a chance to help me find some of broken code.

When I started I had some of the following inspection results. It is clearly showing that some properties wasn’t identified as used in a WPF binding.

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