Installation and first experience with the Ergotron WorkFit-D

Mar 22, 2012

In late 2010 I reworked my home office and installed a new Ergotron LX Dual Side-by-Side Arm, to gain some place on my desk.

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Starting TeamCity builds from HipChat using Github Hubot

After writing about “Running your TeamCity builds from PowerShell for any Git branch” I’d like to talk about another integration which is using Github Hubot so that the build could be started directly form a chat room.

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Running your TeamCity builds from PowerShell for any Git branch

I love TeamCity and use it since a while to automate my build/release processes. As human we should never do the work a machine can do, we have certainly better and more interesting things to do.

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Improved my development workflow

Jan 20, 2012

For some time now I slightly modified my development workflow and I have seen a great improvement in my developers life:

  • it started by using Git Svn in front of our central Svn

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