Posts tagged with "TDD"

Using Thread.Sleep() in Unit Test! A good idea?

Nov 20, 2012

In my humble opinion it is definitely not a good idea! Why?

  1. It is brittle test because it depends to the CPU load of the machine running the test. Maybe it runs fine on your development machine, and will for sure from time to time fail on your build server because of the load on the server.

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Test Driven Development Kata - String Calculator

The subject of this article is the String Calculator proposed by Roy Osherove. The Kata is done in C# uses Visual Studio 2012, JetBrains Resharper 7 and NCrunch.

But what is a TDD Kata? It is an implementation exercise starting with unit tests and leveraging refactoring that you practice daily for around 15 to 30 minutes.

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Improved my development workflow

Jan 20, 2012

For some time now I slightly modified my development workflow and I have seen a great improvement in my developers life:

  • it started by using Git Svn in front of our central Svn

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Unit Tests without leaving the keyboard

I like the Roy Osherove blog: Five Whys, Leadership in software teams.

Follow up on those two posts “How to measure programmer productivity using TDD Katas” or “Be Productive and Go Mouseless”. I would like to share a little keyboard shortcut which save me quite some time on my daily developments.

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