Groove Virtual Office Tips #2 : Fast access to a file

May 22, 2005

We have seen in the first tips "Fast access to Workspaces", in this one we will see how to access a file saved in file tool from one workspace. It happens that you are using a file often, and it starts to be boring to open the correct workspace, then the correct file tool in that worksapce, even with the Tips 1. So what you can do is:

Open the workspace, then open the file tool where your file is saved. Right click on the file and choose Send To / Desktop (create shortcut)

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Beeing a speaker

End of April, I was invited by Microsoft France (Thanks to Pierre and Mitsu) to speak about the solution, based on Word 2003, I developed to publish content on my web site Tech Head Brothers. The day was called "Rencontres Solutions Métiers sur Office" and was held in Strasbourg, France. Tech Head Brothers was even a partner for that event.

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Groove Virtual Office Tips #1 : Fast access to Workspaces

May 21, 2005

Groove Launchbar is great but sometimes it simply takes too much time to open it to get to a workspace.

  1. Go with Explorer in your My Documents folder, Create a folder and call it My Groove

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