Codezone search integration in Visual Studio 2005 !!! Cooool stuf :-)

As previously announced in this post: "Microsoft Announces CodeZone!", Tech Head Brothers, my French portal about Microsoft .NET technologies, will be part of Codezone. Today for the first time I am able to see what this means to be a part of the Codezone program.

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dotTrace published by JetBrains

Jul 29, 2005

dotTrace, again a tool released by JetBrains during the summer (don't you have any holidays guys in Russia ? ;-) !!!

You might get more information and download an evaluation version on this page. And to get a list of features check this page.

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My brother Mathieu moved to Australia and found a new job...

Jul 29, 2005

As you might know my brother Mathieu moved to Australia at the begining of this year. After some time visiting the country (The Northern Territory, Les WithSundays et les environs de Cairn, Byron Bay, Les Blue Mountains, Innisfail et les bananes), he started searching for a job and finally found one in Perth. Congratulation Mathieu !!! I am really proud of what you are doing.

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Jetbrains Resharper 2.0 Early Access Program (EAP) started !!!

Great news from Jetbrains tonight with the launch of the ReSharper 2.0 EAP started. You can download the version for Visual Studio 2003 and Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 and VS 2005 June CTP are supported on this page. I can't work anymore without that tool . There is for sure some refactoring capabilities in Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2, but it is far from being enough.

Build 201 (Changes from ReSharper 1.5)

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