ReSharper 4.0 with C# 3.0 support, JetBrains releases the ultimate Visual Studio plugin
JetBrains has released their ultimate Visual Studio plugin, ReSharper 4.0.
This much-anticipated productivity tool includes many new features and improvements.
JetBrains has released their ultimate Visual Studio plugin, ReSharper 4.0.
This much-anticipated productivity tool includes many new features and improvements.
First you need to un-install the Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 SDK from the build server! Then you can download the Microsoft Silverlight Tools Beta 2 for Visual Studio 2008 and extract it on the server, there you will find the file silverlight_sdk.msi, that will allow you to install Silverlight 2.0 Beta 2 SDK.
Now if you followed my post MSBuild and Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 running in Team City, then you know about the issue:
This Saturday like the last two I planned to work on my wooden terrace, but with the weather we have for this year's spring, it was almost impossible. So I replaced that with some development.
I am using Rhino.Mocks as mock object framework and went to the following solution to mock SmtpClient.
First if you are using Silverlight 2 Beta 1, you will be able to upload your video with pause and resume. Second they finally deliver a HTTP endpoint for videos hosted in Silverlight Streaming.
We will make with Mathieu a great use of those two features soon :-)