Archives for 2008

Follow up on “Reducing ORM Friction” by Rob Conery

Nov 5, 2008

In my development process I do use what Rob is describing in his post “Crazy Talk: Reducing ORM Friction” with some slight differences.

For example I developed Tech Head Brothers portal this way, as Innoveo Solutions web site. I use TDD and Domain Driven Development and I keep the mapping as one of the last step for my implementation.

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[PDC 2008] – Show off selection

Finally my video didn’t make it for the ShowOff contest at the PDC 2008. Here is the answer I’ve got:

I wanted to thank you again for your ShowOff entry. Unfortunately, due to the overwhelming response to ShowOff, we had to make some hard decisions about which entries we would be able to show during the event. We really liked your video, but unfortunately it didn't make it into our final cut this year.

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Arrived at Los Angeles for PDC 2008

Oct 26, 2008

We finally arrived in Los Angeles, Sébastien Ros and myself after quite a trip.

We left Mulhouse (East of France) at 7:AM on Saturday direction Paris, then Paris direction Seattle and finally Los Angeles.

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PDC2008 Here I come!

Oct 23, 2008

I finished a first selection of my sessions!

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