Archives for 2006

Tech Head Brothers 2.0 hit the web

It is with a tremendous pleasure that we launched with my brother Mathieu the new version of Tech Head Brothers portal. It has been a long journey, but finally it is online and currently received a positive response.

Who are we?

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Microsoft France Development MVP

Sep 20, 2006

Microsoft France just published a page on which it lists all French Developer MVP.

A really nice idea!!!

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ecenter solutions blog launched

Sep 20, 2006

ecenter solutions, the company I am working for today as solution architect, just launched a blog.

If you are in, or interested about, the open source sector you might be read about some of the publication there.

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Windows Live Writer Plugins Collection - Release Cyclone available

Sep 5, 2006

Windows Live Writer Plugins project hosted on Codeplex hits its first public release, codenamed Cyclone (Keyvan inspired the codenames from tornado names).

Cyclone is the first of three planned releases for this project. It is planned to release two other packages in next two months to let project developers work on their plugins and add more features or bug fixes.

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