Archives for August 2006

C# implementation of newMediaObject for the MetaWeblog API

If you have a blog you might know about the MetaWeblog API. I implemented it for Tech Head Brothers portal to be able to post news from a client. Today I am using Live Writer to post on my blog and I also wanted to have the possibility to post news on the new version of Tech Head Brothers portal but with pictures and without the usage of a ftp server.

Checking the API I found a new method that I had not implemented: newMediaObject.

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Internet Explorer 7 RC1 and Mouse Gesture

Aug 26, 2006

I downloaded for the first time the new version of Internet Explorer and I find quite cool.

You might download it on this page.

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It is coming as open source :-)

Aug 25, 2006

soon and on a well known place now...

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BlogThisUsingWriterPlugin coming soon

Aug 17, 2006

OK I fixed my main issue. I wasn't able to have my plugin loaded by Jetbrains Omea, and it seems that it is linked with the .NET Framework 2.0 that I use in my plugin, even if Omea Reader is running using .NET Framework 2.0 somehow it can't verify the plugin.

I had to install MSBee so I don't need to install VS 03 again. And now back to the old days of command line I have to compile using such a command:

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