Posts tagged with "Visual Studio" - Page 4

Unit Tests without leaving the keyboard

I like the Roy Osherove blog: Five Whys, Leadership in software teams.

Follow up on those two posts “How to measure programmer productivity using TDD Katas” or “Be Productive and Go Mouseless”. I would like to share a little keyboard shortcut which save me quite some time on my daily developments.

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Updated my Live Template for NUnit in ReSharper

I tend to use a lot the Live Template of ReSharper, for example working for some time now with the WPF MVVM pattern I created a ViewModel template of such a class and use it extensively.

Today I updated the File Template I use to write my NUnit tests like this:

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ReSharper 4.5 released

As you might have realized following my blog, I am big fan of JetBrains ReSharper for quite some years! This tool really boost my productivity. Today they just realized ReSharper 4.5 which brings some new functionalities but also a huge improvement in performance.

What's New in ReSharper 4.5

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Pong game using WinForms designmode

Feb 21, 2009

My friend Mitsu just posted a funny demo about what you can do in the Visual Studio designer. He made a kind of Pong, remember that old game!, just using the Visual Studio designer. Useless but so much fun!

It was based on Silverlight, so it is not anymore available.

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