Posts tagged with "Visual Studio" - Page 3

Build .NET projects from Windows Explorer using MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad)

In September 2009 I posted about a tool I am using to build my MSBuild projects from the shell “Build your .NET project with a right click in Windows Explorer

Last week I changed to MSBuild Launch Pad (mPad) which also add a context menu when you right click your project or solution files.

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VS 2010 and .NET 4 statistics

Soma just published some info about Microsoft “dogfooding” VS 2010 and .NET 4

There are some interesting statistics and explanation of what Soma think were critical factors to success.

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Visual Studio 2008 little tip

Jan 7, 2010

Tonight I found a little tip that you might already know but for me it was the first time I realize that.

When you want to open the properties of a project in Visual Studio 2008, in the past I was doing a right click on the project then I was searching for couple of seconds the entry properties

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ProjectReference with Condition in your MSBuild project files

Since some time I have the current scenario where I need to have conditional reference in a project. Basically the application must reference an assembly in one case in other it should reference another one. This was working correctly from an MSBuild point of view as the first implemented solution let me compile and run the application on my development machine and it was also working for our TeamCity build server. So everything was fine in this perfect word expect one thing!

The issue was the following; Visual Studio was showing two references of the ‘same assembly’ with different path. Not really an issue you would say because the correct one was used at compile time and at run time in all configurations. So the issue was that this had an impact of ReSharper. And this is I cannot accept because it affect my productivity.

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