Posts tagged with ".NET Development" - Page 5

:-) First publication of an article from Word 2003 on Tech Head Brothers :-)

It is really nice :-) Mathieu is beta testing the tool I developed to publish Articles and How to on our site Tech Head Brothers, a French portal about .NET. And he succesfully published a first article directly from Word 2003 !!!

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Software development industrialization

Dec 10, 2004

I have been interviewed by the French magazine 01 Informatique about the software development industrialization.
For sure the article talks about Microsoft, Visual Studio 2005 Team System, IBM, Atlantic and Borland Themis.

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First publication from Word 2003 on Tech Head Brothers using WSE

Dec 9, 2004

This morning at 1:30 AM, I reached a new milestone in the development of the publishing tool I am developing for Tech Head Brothers web site. I was able to publish content directly from Word 2003 using a Web Service secured by WS-Policy and a X509 certificate.

Yesterday, finally, I was able to create a X509 certificate working correctly with WSE SP2. After lots and lots of trials using makecert without any success, I tried openssl under cygwin. And guess what, the certificate was working correctly. That was the main issue I had since a while.

Now I am searching for a way to install the public part of the certificate during the setup of the application. Any ideas?

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CopySourceAsHtml - Visual Studio 2003 plugin

Nov 9, 2004

Ever wanted to copy paste some code from Visual Studio .NET 2003 to your blog tool (e.g. Sauce Reader) and keep the colorization ? Here is the solution, CopySourceAsHtml, an awesome plugin from Colin Coller. The cool point is that if "<em>VS.NET can highlight it, CSAH can copy it, and your code should look the same in your browser as it does in your editor</em>". I was a bit disappointed not finding the context menu in the editor for other source then C# but you might add a keyboard shortcups as described on this page.

Even better, Colin provides the source. I guess I will soon integrate his colorization way to Tech Head Brothers Word 2003 publishing tool.

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