Posts tagged with ".NET Development" - Page 10

French Book: Le portail Microsoft SharePoint

I recently participated to a great experience!!! Writing a book with 12 co-authors using Sharepoint. I wrote two chapters about the development with Visual Studio .NET 2003 for Sharepoint and one part of a chapter about the integration of Groove and Sharepoint. This book is now available, here.

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InfoPath 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP-1) Preview and Toolkit for Visual Studio .NET

Feb 25, 2004

I started to look at Infopath long time ago and was waiting for that solution. I was really surprised to see Infopath with something else then .NET to wrtie code for it. That's over. :-)

Since I implemented a tool to write the article on my web site Tech Head Brothers based on Word 2003 and Visual Studio Toolkit I was waiting the toolkit for Infopath to be able to have a form to post News that will use WSE to handle secured connection to my site.<br/>In this new version when you add a button you will get a dialog with a button "Edit from code" and when you click on it your get back to Visual Studio that already added a handler for you:

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