Posts tagged with ".NET Development" - Page 9

Extended Visual Studio Whidbey class view with method editing

May 24, 2004

As I described in my last post I would like to have the possibility to edit only one method in the source code viewer and get to the code by browsing my class hierarchy through two windows exposing classes then methods, attributes...

Now I know why it was a problem from the guys at Microsoft to provide that feature:<br/>Code view is cut from Whidbey HTML Editor

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ReSharper by Jetbrains

May 24, 2004

I finally managed to have my Addins in Visual Studio .NET 2003 working again, with reinstallation of it and then running a repair.

Then I installed ReSharper 0.81; I am part of the Early Access Program, and worked with it for a couple of hours. There is much more features then the older version I tried, and for the moment I am happy with it. It brings lots of added value that will be present in Whidbey in Visual Studio .NET 2003.

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Refactoring my publishing tool

May 20, 2004

I started some time ago to work on a new release of the tool I developed to publish content on my web site Tech Head Brothers. This new release will add the possibility for the author to directly post there article to the website.<br/>This solution is using:

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Best Practices for Representing XML in the .NET Framework - Summary

Apr 2, 2004

Thats a summary of the article from Dare Obasanjo on MSDN. <h4>Classes with Fields or Properties that Hold XML</h4>If a class has a field or property that is an XML document or fragment, it should provide mechanisms for manipulating the property as both a string and as an <b>XmlReader</b>. <h4>Methods that Accept XML Input or Return XML as Output</h4>Methods that accept or return XML should favor returning <b>XmlReader</b> or <b>XPathNavigator</b> unless the user is expected to be able to edit the XML data, in which case <b>XmlDocument</b> should be used. <h4>Converting an Object to XML</h4>If an object wants to provide an XML representation of itself for serialization purposes, then it should use the <b>XmlWriter</b> if it needs more control of the XML serialization process than is provided by the <b>XmlSerializer</b>. If the object wants to provide an XML representation of itself that enables it to participate fully as a member of the XML world, such as allow XPath queries or XSLT transformations over the object, then it should implement the <b>IXPathNavigable</b> interface.

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