If you have a blog you might know about the MetaWeblog API. I implemented it for Tech Head Brothers portal to be able to post news from a client. Today I am using Live Writer to post on my blog and I also wanted to have the possibility to post news on the new version of Tech Head Brothers portal but with pictures and without the usage of a ftp server.

Checking the API I found a new method that I had not implemented: newMediaObject.

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OK I fixed my main issue. I wasn’t able to have my plugin loaded by Jetbrains Omea, and it seems that it is linked with the .NET Framework 2.0 that I use in my plugin, even if Omea Reader is running using .NET Framework 2.0 somehow it can’t verify the plugin.

I had to install MSBee so I don’t need to install VS 03 again. And now back to the old days of command line I have to compile using such a command:

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If you read my post about Flicker Fix that was included and removed from the first distribution of CSS friendly control adapters beta you might have heard that it created a security hole.

Having a handler or other reading a file that you might specify the path in a parameter is a really really bad idea. It lets for example read possibility to your web.config file to anybody just browsing your site. If your connection string to the db is in clear then… too bad.

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Laurent Kempé

I am an experienced Team Leader & Distinguished Solution Architect with a passion for shipping high-quality products by empowering development team and culture toward an agile mindset. I bring technical vision and strategy, leading engineering teams to move product, processes and architecture forward.

Team Leader, Distinguished Solutions Architect

Illzach, France