[TechDays 2008] - SNCF and their online services

Feb 10, 2008

I decided to take the TGV train from Mulhouse to Paris to attend the Tech Days 2008.

I made my reservation online using SNCF web site, reservation went well and I got per snail mail my way to Paris tickets. Today I wanted to print the way back, that's a special offer in which you have to print your own tickets, now the problems started!

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Head hunters, what the hell!?

Jan 18, 2008

Those last week I got 4 emails and a contact through messenger from 3 different head hunters of the same company! They are really aggressively searching for .NET and Sharepoint peoples.

I got the last email end of this afternoon asking me if I was interested (to which I answered again that it wasn't the case) then asking me if on my Tech Head Brothers web site it was possible to publish a ad about their job offer. They even not wait any answer and decided to publish their ad as comments on the site.

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ScrumWorks Pro integration with Java & .NET

Today at innoveo we had a great meeting in which I made an introduction of Scrum to the whole team! The presentation and the Scrum methodology got a great feedback, and I am very happy about that. We were already using for some years now some key points of Scrum without really knowing it. Now we know it and we will use some more advantages that comes out of it.

My colleague Lorenz challenged me just after the meeting showing me a unit test he made in Java in which he was calling the ScrumWorks Pro back-end for an integration idea we had.

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Get rid of extra pixels in Vista Toolbars

Jan 11, 2008

When you use Lock  the Taskbar in Windows Vista the toolbars shift from some pixels before locking and it is really annoying!

The alternative is to not lock the Taskbar and add the following registry setting to avoir the possibility of moving the toolbars:

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