Team City 3.1 Duplicate Finder for Tech Head Brothers

For the development of the next version of Tech Head Brothers I wanted to have a continuous integration server running for our small team. I used for that Team City 3 from JetBrains.

Continuous integration is very nice and works very good. Then I discovered another nice feature directly built in Team City: Duplicate Finder. Ok you might use other tools to do that, but it is there so just use it in two clicks.

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Integration of NCover into Team City for Tech Head Brothers

Starting the development of the new Tech Head Brothers in a remote multi developers environment I wanted to have some tooling to ease our work. For sure we have:

  1. A code repository: Subversion installed using VisualSVN server

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VisualSVN Server 1.1 released

By starting to write a post about the new step achieved in the tooling of Tech Head Brothers development I just realized that VisualSVN Server 1.1 is released.

So I downloaded and updated my installation in 2-3 minutes, all went well, just nice.

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Integration of VisualSVN (TortoiseSVN) and JIRA

Mar 27, 2008

The aim is to be able to associate a bug/feature described into JIRA to source code changes made into the Subversion repository.

First of all you need to install the JIRA Subversion Plugin on you JIRA server.

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