301 Redirect on IIS, from domain laurentkempe.com to www.laurentkempe.com

Apr 23, 2010

I got an email the other day from Didier, than a message on my facebook page from Antoine about an issue with my blog www.laurentkempe.com and my .NET portal www.techheadbrothers.com which were not redirecting correctly from laurentkempe.com and techheadbrothers.com to the ones with www in front.

So I fired up IIS manager and fixed this using the following easy way:

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VS 2010 and .NET 4 statistics

Soma just published some info about Microsoft “dogfooding” VS 2010 and .NET 4

There are some interesting statistics and explanation of what Soma think were critical factors to success.

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Apr 9, 2010

If you are an old (even not so old) video game player, do you remember those old days of fun with pac man, space invaders, frogger… You have to watch this fantastic video!

New York invasion by 8-bits creatures !

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My new Blog

Apr 3, 2010

Starting from now on I will post on this blog http://www.laurentkempe.com

You might update your reader to use this new rss feed

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