Jobping Open Source URL Shortener. Goes to Version 0.5

May 14, 2010

We have updated our url shortener for Jobping. has moved along to Version 0.5. While maintaining as little features as possible!

Since the initial version we have placed a restriction(web.configurable) on the domain names that the shortener will shorten. We did this so only domains under would be processed by the shortener. We wanted to maintain the integrity of the domain. With this in place you can be sure that if you click a link shortened by  it will always go to our site site.

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Automated functional tests using Watin and MSpec

May 13, 2010

I am conducting a spike for a couple of evening on the way we might automate our functional tests at Jobping.

I started with Watin and MSpec and the MSpec excellent plugin for ReSharper 5 which gives the following great outputs directly from Visual Studio

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Fundamental Laws from David S. Platt on MSDN Magazine

May 12, 2010

Yesterday I got the new issue of MSDN Magazine in my mailbox and as often I started to go quickly around it to get an overview of what kind of subject's it talks about. And as often I end up at the last page's article which is the first I am reading.

This time David S. Platt is writing about “Fundamental Laws” which start like that

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IntelliJ 9 and changeset

Day after day I find little gems in IntelliJ 9 that just make me more productive and give me more time to deal with the real interesting things.

Today for example I had to change a web.xml file which I was said that I should take care not to commit because if this file would go to our customer than we would have a problem.

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