Windows 7, Disk is offline because it has a signature collision

Apr 3, 2010

When I switched on today my second hard drive I had the following issue displayed

The disk is offline because it has a signature collision with another disk that is online

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VisualSvn, TortoiseSvn and relocating a working copy

Jan 28, 2010

Whenever you have to relocate your svn working copy because the svn server url or protocol as changed, you need to use TortoiseSvn relocate. If, like me, you use VisualSvn plugin then you would need to quit Visual Studio and come back to Windows Explorer and TortoiseSvn, right click your project folder then find Relocate command:

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NDepend v3 - now 100% integrated in Visual Studio

Patrick just announced on his blog the launch of the new NDepend v3. It is still in beta but very stable. I am testing it for a month now and enjoy very much it’s integration in Visual Studio 2008. I was using it and will continue to use it in our continuous integration server, TeamCity. But getting feedback right out of the developer environment is a very interesting feature.

Read more on Patrick’s blog post, “NDepend v3 is now 100% integrated in Visual Studio

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White’s tip for your automated WPF functional tests

Jan 28, 2010

When you build automated WPF functional test using White in which you need to open a file through a Windows open file dialog, you will be confronted with the following issue. Windows open file dialog remember the last path with which you opened a file.

So you might have some unit tests that are green for a while which starts to be red for no apparent reasons.

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