What Didier forgot to say !

Aug 27, 2004

That's right that we had some great time yesterday!!! But before that we worked like hell. Thursday , Friday, Monday for a total of more then 50 hours of workwith Philippe. Lorenz joined us on Monday. And today it was the same (9AM to 11PM). So I think we deserved that free half a day an dwe enjoyed it.

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Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 refresh with the Team System

Aug 27, 2004

It seems that we will be updated on Whidbey :-) Nice. I will add to my development an evoluation of the Team System tools.

Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1 refresh with Team System

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Wireless IntelliMouse Explorer with Fingerprint Reader Windows USB

Aug 17, 2004

I worked in the fingerprint biometric business for almost 4 years and I am happy to see that Microsoft will deliver fingerprint readers. I am curious to see which company is providing the hardware, the algorithm and the software. Maybe the result of the acquisition of the BAPI technology from I/OSoftware. I am also curious to see if the reader is an optical one or a silicon one. I would really like them to provide us with the SDK based on BAPI so that I can develop a new version of the Windows login i developed in the past.

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