An Introduction to the XML Tools in Visual Studio 2005

Jul 29, 2004

Msdn published an interesting article concerning the new XML possibilities of the IDE Visual Studio 2005.


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Skype v1.0 is out

Jul 28, 2004

Download it here.

For the one that did not know (is that possible?):

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Great indexing/search tool for Outlook - Lookout

Jul 28, 2004

I downloaded that tool yesterday evening after reading this Lookout download on And I find the tool absolutly good. So if you are using Outlook and you get hundreds of email, download it.

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Groove 3.0 update

Jul 27, 2004

I am having an issue with my groove pro accounts. I reported that to groove supprt and till that time I am waiting that they fix the issue. This evening I just made a check update from the groove interface and know it is downloading. I really hope that thiw update will fix my issue cause I can't work with my pro data since 2 weeks. More to come when the update is finished.

<u>Update</u>: I still get the same error after installing the update. I am so :-( Going to bed...

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