IIS Admin

Oct 17, 2004

In an older post, I talked about the method described by Steven M. Cohn to have Multiple IIS Virtual Servers on XP Pro. Discussing with Renaud yesterday he shown me a tool to do it, I don't like to type under the shell ;-).

"<em>IIS Admin</em><em> is a small tool for use on Windows XP Pro. It allows you to create multiple websites on WinXP Pro and to switch between those websites. On Windows XP Pro, only one website can run at a time.</em>"

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Speaker at 'Rencontre ASP.NET'

Oct 17, 2004

On the 29 of September I was invited by Microsoft France in Strasbourg- Franceto be a speaker atthere conference 'Rencontres ASP.NET' to talk about ASP.NETand the Starter Kits.<br/>It was such an interesting experience to face around 80 peoples and to talk aboutASP.NET. It started with 3-4 minutes of stress then the rest of the presentation went ok.<br/>I hope to do again such experience.

Last Reading of the slides, stress starts

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Not such a sad day :-)

Oct 14, 2004

I knew I read it somewhere !!! Latest release of Whidbey permits to hide the components on the designer. Use the <strong>View</strong> menu <strong>Non Visual Controls</strong>, shortcut Ctrl+Shift+N.

A sad day for component developers

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Visual Studio Office Tools and Word 2003 using deserialization, nightmare end

I finally fixed the issue I reported in the post "New milestone reached in the development of the authoring tool for Tech Head Brothers French portal ". I am still waiting some feedback from Peter (he might be in holidays).

I am getting an exception when I try to deserialize an object. This exception is due to a security problem.

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