Archives for 2006

Flicker Fix

Apr 29, 2006

If you read my last post "First experience with CSS friendly control adapters beta" you might have realized that I am referencing in my CSS file a http handler:


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First experience with CSS friendly control adapters beta

Apr 29, 2006

I had the chance to realize that CSS friendly control adapters beta from the ASP.NET Team was online for a short time and downloaded it, so I had the pleasure to experience it a bit this evening.

By the way I recommend the reading of the White Paper, that is well written.

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CSS friendly control adapters beta published, then removed

Apr 29, 2006

At last TechEd in Amsterdam I was convinced by Aurel to switch the whole design of my community website Tech Head Brothers from tables formating to CSS. Aurelien shown me crazy stuff they are building in Wygwam using CSS and in 5 minutes I was convinced for that change. Now Aurel is kind of my mentor on that and also decided me to go the Atlas way. As I had decided to rewrite the site in ASP.NET 2, I also decided to switch to CSS.

My first experience with CSS was that it is really difficult to get it running on all browsers, but at the time of table I remember that I also had issues. The second problem I had was that lots of the ASP.NET controls are rendering with tables and the mix was not always good and even sometimes difficult to hack.

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Technologies used on the new version of Tech Head Brothers

The application is written as a n-tier web application and modeled with domain objects.

It uses those differents technologies:

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