Posts tagged with "VSTO" - Page 4

Tech Head Brothers Authoring tool

I just updated the source code of my Tech Head Brothers Authoring tool on Codeplex.

Now it uses Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) in place of WSE 3.0 and Word 2007.

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Outlook 2007 Instant Search not working anymore on Vista

Jul 7, 2007

Since the beginning of this week I wasn't able to search anymore in Outlook and has I am using this a lot I was really pissed off.

I finally found an explanation in one of the Microsoft Forum:

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Migration from WSE 3 to WCF

I started to migrate the Tech Head Brothers authoring tool and portal from Web Service Enhancement 3 (WSE 3) to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). This is a next step in the integration of .NET Framework 3 in Tech Head Brothers portal.

Till today I was using WSE 3 from the Word VSTO solution to securely publish content to the portal directly out of Word 2003/2007.

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VSTO 2005 and Web Expression CTP

Oct 5, 2006

What? How can you link those two!!!???

I am working on Tech Head Brothers Authoring tool and it means that I need to provide a setup to all the authors. I did it following a real long tutorial in two parts:

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